On Saturday 4th March, the second Coney Hall Ball was held at The Warren Hayes, in order to raise more much-needed funding for ‘The Friends of Coney Hall Park’s’ park refurbishment and development project. The project is fundamentally intended to improve the park facilities for the local community of Coney Hall, including re–developing the two disused tennis courts to provide three table tennis tables and the installation of a custom-designed ‘learn to ride’ cycle circuit, all with new surfacing and easy access for those using wheelchairs and pushchairs. The committee also plans to build a MUGA (a ball court for both football and basketball) up by the current pavilion. They have just been awarded a £20,000 Platinum Jubilee Grant from Bromley Council and the ball will further enhance the fundraising and build on the hard work carried out already, but more money is needed to ensure this project goes ahead.
The ball, sponsored by Bromley Property Company and The Flooring Centre, was a total sell out, with over 130 people attending and enjoying a 3 course dinner, DJ, live music and a fantastic performance by youngsters from ‘Bright Sparks’. A raffle and auction (with some incredible prizes) raised over £2500, adding to the whopping final total of over £7000 from these and the sale of ball tickets to donate to the park project!
We’d like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who helped us make the ball possible and supported such a great evening, especially the individuals and local businesses who provided prizes for the raffle and auction.
We wish The Friends of the Park continued success with their fundraising – you can help with any donations here.
Here at Bromley Property Company always like to do our bit to #SupportLocal – if you have any fundraising events in the Bromley area for any community projects, then make sure you tweet us and we’ll do our best to share and retweet them! We are @BromleyPropCo over on Twitter.
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