We know that there are a large number of people looking to move house in the Bromley area, and a great many people coming to us, particularly from inner-London, who are looking to relocate to the borough. We also know that there are a fair few potential sellers who are wanting to move but are nervous to do so in case they sell quickly but haven’t yet found their ‘perfect home’ and therefore won’t have anywhere to live.
We have been very busy lately, but at the moment demand for homes in the Bromley Borough is outstripping supply, so if you want to move- put your house on the market! It’s a great time to sell right now, and if your home does sell quickly (and in all likelihood it will right now), you will be able to dictate when the actual sale date happens and that it only happens when you are ready. There is no need for you to fear being left “in between homes”, and here at Bromley Property Company we can help with negotiations and exchange and completion dates.
What’s great is, if everyone who is looking to move at the moment puts their property on the market – and we’re encouraging everyone who wants to move to do the same – then there will be plenty of choice for all, and more chance of finding your dream home!
Contact Bromley Property Company today for a free, no-obligation property valuation and to discuss your plans and ideal house-moving scenario.
You can also read some of the excellent reviews over on our website, and also our Facebook page.